Teaching Innovations
Recently, I created a flipped-classroom style teaching approach. Here is some information I have gathered from my experience.
Oil and Gas Utilisation (year 3 and MSc) Taught classes at Strathclyde (2015) 1. Materials, Processing & Applications (Year 3). 2. Conceptual & Detailed Design Project (Year 4). 3. Petrochemical Engineering (MSc and MEng year 5). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Materials, Processing & Applications (Year 3). • General Introduction • Atomic Bonding • Crystalline Structures; • Imperfections; Mechanical Properties • Failure; Applications & Processing of Metal Alloys • Ceramics; Polymers • Composites; Electrical properties • Thermal Properties • Magnetic & Optical Properties • Advanced materials • Materials in Chemical Engineering ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conceptual & Detailed Design Project (Year 4) This involves the supervision of student groups performing detailed and conceptual designs of chemical plants. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Petrochemical Engineering (MSc and MEng year 5). • Composition and properties of petroleum / crude oil and refinery products • Overview of refinery operations • Separations by atmospheric and vacuum distillation • Petroleum processing by catalytic and hydro-cracking, hydrotreating, thermal treatment, alkylation, polymerisation. • Blending and lube oils • Desulphurisation of diesel, • Refinery related pollution control |